I paint because I like creating an oasis in the chaos. I like mystery, history and make-believe. It lets my head travel and my heart speak. I enjoy hearing how viewers discover their own stories in my introspective abstract paintings.
— Carol Beth

Having grown up as a quiet introspective child near Boston, in a home filled with paintings, music and books, Carol Beth sought a means of expressing her own meaningful creativity. She found it on her first trip to Italy, right after art school graduation, when the forms, lines and colors of the Italian landscape revealed a new path.

Working primarily in oils and cold wax medium, she rarely uses brushes, while adding and subtracting layer after layer with only her gloved hands and small tools. She calls her work “introspective abstraction” because it relies heavily on intuitive reactions to life.

Photo by Douglas Ehling Chamberlain 

Photo by Douglas Ehling Chamberlain